World Elite NOW RECRUITING ( Was formerley UK Elite have changed our name)

Hey up all ,so World Elite was formerly known as the famous UK Elite with some of the best tacticians on the game. We have members from what was Team Rebels with us probs the most recognised guild on the game prior to the last 6 month or so. We have 3 slots open to fill for the right players if you're interested please reply to this thread and just give me a game in a friendly (Ashley Longthorn) cos I don't always see posts on the forum. I will then I'll invite you in if I think you could be an asset to the team.

What we offer
Constant guild challenges
A top 50 guild has been in the top 10 we aspire to be back
Tactical advice
Our own FB Group
friendly focused guild
A lot of heals

kind regards

Ashley, thanks for the friendlies but I really don't think I'm in that league quite yet. Appreciate the invite, however. Did want to see how I might do against such quality...found out. Cheers
No problem I was being kind to start with and then I switched the actions to my attacking ways
Give me a bit more time and I will retry at a later date with a more competitive side which might actual be an asset for the "fan" numbers to help but still lacking some quality... and someday you may need a bit of Canadian content!!
I'm always up for the challenge I've recently upgraded my tactics with help from Willwhale in Team wales. We've got an alliance with them you see so I have defensive setup and attack setup in th esame formation. A lot of my tactics come from using the arrows in the advanced settings when you played me I was actually online at the time so I went easy on you first half then I went for it best I could but my defensive setup is even more harder to break through now we've adopted new tactics of letting people run at us and just kicking the ball out of play. Although for your rating your actually quite good already I've seen teams and it's ended up 6-0 -7-0 and 8 sometimes more so well played I'm sure you will catch me oneday as the leagues in the higher divisions are really tough to get out of. You should try some of our lesser players I reckon you'd have half a chance i'm probs one of the toughest to beat in the guild i'm in..
Appreciate the comments...only been at this a few months and learning....when you come from a country ranked 103rd in the world in the sport, one tends to learn
again thanks and will be sure to play u again.......was still online when u played me and was very impressed
Hey willian if your still playing the game give me a game and i'll drop you an invite if you want to compete near the top
Hi all World Elite has one space open for the right person if you want an invite play the leader Ashley Longthorn to be considered.

For the right person we offer Tactical advice
Our own personal forum should you wish to be a part of it
A hell of lot of heal sends
A bit of guild banter
Regular guild challenges

Good luck people
im world class. fotball manager
Hi Oyvind ,

well if you wanna join us play me and just tell me name of your team we two spots open